Concrete Garage and Concrete Shed Panels

Call: 01386 430 121

Are you looking for concrete garage or other concrete  building panels? Look no further!

Not sure what make or panel type you need? Send us some photos and we will give you an answer and advice on parts and options.

Whether you need to repair, refurbish or replace, we are your one stop shop for a wide range of concrete panels for garages and sheds. Depending on location, we can also provide on-site support.

Either from stock or made to order, our range of many popular manufacturer’s panels cover a vast range of sheds and sectional garages installed in the UK.

We supply a range of items such as lintels, purlins, pillars, standard and corner panels for the ranges from;

  • Marley
  • Leofric
  • Mayfair
  • Belcon
  • Cotswold
  • Banbury
  • Sturdy
  • Kenkast Batley
  • Carterton

Diminishing sales of concrete structures has resulted in many well-known businesses no longer trading, leaving those needing replacements often searching for 2nd hand pieces or replacing something that can be repaired. We are fortunate to be in the position of being able to continue supporting their customers long after they have closed.

If you have a non-standard requirement or are simply not certain of the panel’s make/model, call us to help identify the type of panel you require. Where original pattern parts may not be available, we can determine whether the garage or battery of garages can be updated to use alternatives. Call us or see our Battery Garage Refurbishment site for more details.

Custom castings can also be arranged should it not be possible to find alternatives or cast for defunct brands. Our range of Aluminium posts may also be able to fit in such cases.

From impacts to environmental damage, it is essential to ensure a repair or refurbishment is fit for purpose and will not lead to further cost. Our team are on hand to advise and help determine the correct scope and thus appropriate parts and work. Site surveys can be undertaken by arrangement.

To aid in identification of common garage types, we have created an extensive catalogue with important guidance and examples of repairs and refurbishments that can be seen here: Battery Garage Refurbishment

We offer a choice of four aggregate finishes on all our vertical panel garages, at extra cost. (Alternatively, the customer may request plain panels, to apply their own coating.)

Cotswold Spa finish for any of the buildings
Cotswold Stone
Polar Spa finish for any of the buildings
Polar Spar
Canterbury Spa finish for any of the buildings
Textured paint finish for any of the buildings
Textured Paint

Concrete Garage Panel Pallet Tilt ExampleObviously 50-80Kg panels cannot be popped in a parcel and even though we are centrally located, delivery costs are going to be a factor and proportionally higher if ordering only one panel. You are more than welcome to arrange collection from our factory or we can ship to most locations.

Smaller or Post and Panel panels can be sent on standard heavy-duty pallets. To cater for tall panels, we have developed custom pallets for our delivery partners. Tested fully loaded to tilt up to 20 degrees without breaking or falling, as shown in the image, these pallets will carry eight panels. Note: These pallets can only be lifted by forklift from two sides due to the panels blocking the other two.



A standard 6’6”x16″ panel as shown in the image at the top of this page is about 80Kg. ‘Post and panel’ garage panels come in just under 50Kg. There are many other types of panel, so please call if you need help with a specific piece.

Note: As with all concrete casting, the weight of a piece will vary based on water content. Panels that were recently cast or left out in wet conditions will be heavier than fully cured or if stored in dry conditions. The weights above denote the higher end weight, to ensure any calculations are not underestimated.

Both styles have been used in concrete garage structures for many years. The introduction of Aluminium posts in our range brings benefits over traditional concrete posts in weight and adds options to fit shelving or equipment internally and externally.

Panel garages use tall (6’6’-7’) concrete panels with inner lips that are bolted together to form the walls of the building. The panels are mainly standard or corner, with variations for doors and windows.



Post and Panel garages use posts to support smaller panels in a tiled format as shown in the ‘post and panel’ image on this page. Posts also provide the corner support, removing the need for differing types of panel.

We can supply panels for any of the makes listed on this page. If the panel type is not one we offer, we can advise you of the remaining manufacturers.

There are still options available to avoid a complete building replacement for the sake of one or two panels. We still see completely new types of panel configurations and custom DIY repairs after many years of refurbishing and repairing. Custom castings using adapted moulds or replacing concrete posts with Aluminium is possible in some cases.

With dozens of panel shapes and sizes across all the brands listed, it is not possible for us to maintain a full stock. We can confirm availability or lead time during the process where we identify your requirements to ensure the correct parts are chosen.

*Specification subject to change without notice*
© Leofric Building Systems Ltd.
Company No. 3107293 | Hillside House, Stratford Road, Mickleton, Gloucestershire, GL55 6SR, UK.
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Monday to Thursday 8:30am until 4:30pm, Friday until 3.30pm, excludes bank holidays
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